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Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
B-S7-PAL 016 ej.1

Dransfield, John
  Genera palmarum : the evolution and classification of palms / John Dransfield; Natalie W. Uhl; Conny B. Asmussen, [et al.] [LIB]. -- Richmond : Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2008
  ISBN: 9781842461822

  1. PALMAE; 2. BOTANICA SISTEMATICA; 3. TAXONOMIA; 4. ARBOLES ORNAMENTALES I. Uhl, Natalie W. II. Asmussen, Conny B. III. Baker, William J. IV. Harley, Madeline M. V. Lewis, Carl E.

  (62) Inv.: 05-000145 S.T.: B-S7-PAL 016 ej.1
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05-000145 B-S7-PAL 016 ej.1

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Dransfield, John
Genera palmarum : the evolution and classification of palms / John Dransfield; Natalie W. Uhl; Conny B. Asmussen, [et al.] [LIB]. -- Richmond : Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2008
ISBN: 9781842461822

1. PALMAE; 2. BOTANICA SISTEMATICA; 3. TAXONOMIA; 4. ARBOLES ORNAMENTALES I. Uhl, Natalie W. II. Asmussen, Conny B. III. Baker, William J. IV. Harley, Madeline M. V. Lewis, Carl E.

(62) Inv.: 05-000145 S.T.: B-S7-PAL 016 ej.1