Catálogo Bibliográfico
Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
631(091) MUR ej.1

Murphy, Denis J.
  People, plants, and genes : the story of crops and humanity [LIB]. -- New York : Oxford University Press, 2007

  Contenido: List of figures, list of tables, list of text boxes, preface, nomenclature and terminology
Part I . People and plants: one hundred millennia of coevolution
1. Early human societies and their plants 2. Plant management and agriculture 3. How some people became farmers
Part II. Crop and genetics: 90 million years of plant evolution
4. Plant genomes 5. Fluid genomes, uncertain species, and the genetics of crop domestucation 6. The domestication of cereal crops 7. The domestication of non-cereal crops
Part III. Peopla and plants in prehistoric times: ten millennia of climatic and social change
8. People and the emergence of crops 9. Agriculture: a mixed blessing 10. Evolution of agrourban cultures: I the near east 11. Evolution of agrourban cultures: II South and east Asia 12. Evolution of agrourban cultures: III Africa, Europe, and the Americas
Part IV. People and plants in historic times: globalization of agriculture nad the rise of science
13. Crop management in the classical and medieval periods 14. Agricultural improvement and the rise of crop breeding 15. Imperial botany and the early scientific breeders 16. Agricultural improvement in modern times 17. The future of agriculture and humanity
Notes, Bibliography, Index

  This book provides a comprehensive overview of the complex story of human-plant interactions, from the hunter-gatherers of the Paleolithic Era, through to the 21st century and the molecular genetic manipulation of crops. It links the latest advances in molecular genetics with the science and history of plant domestication, the evolution of plant breeding, and the implications of this new knowledge for both the agriculture of today and the future.
  ISBN: 9780199207145


  (62) Inv.: 05-000104 S.T.: 631(091) MUR ej.1
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Murphy, Denis J.
People, plants, and genes : the story of crops and humanity [LIB]. -- New York : Oxford University Press, 2007

Contenido: List of figures, list of tables, list of text boxes, preface, nomenclature and terminology
Part I . People and plants: one hundred millennia of coevolution
1. Early human societies and their plants 2. Plant management and agriculture 3. How some people became farmers
Part II. Crop and genetics: 90 million years of plant evolution
4. Plant genomes 5. Fluid genomes, uncertain species, and the genetics of crop domestucation 6. The domestication of cereal crops 7. The domestication of non-cereal crops
Part III. Peopla and plants in prehistoric times: ten millennia of climatic and social change
8. People and the emergence of crops 9. Agriculture: a mixed blessing 10. Evolution of agrourban cultures: I the near east 11. Evolution of agrourban cultures: II South and east Asia 12. Evolution of agrourban cultures: III Africa, Europe, and the Americas
Part IV. People and plants in historic times: globalization of agriculture nad the rise of science
13. Crop management in the classical and medieval periods 14. Agricultural improvement and the rise of crop breeding 15. Imperial botany and the early scientific breeders 16. Agricultural improvement in modern times 17. The future of agriculture and humanity
Notes, Bibliography, Index

This book provides a comprehensive overview of the complex story of human-plant interactions, from the hunter-gatherers of the Paleolithic Era, through to the 21st century and the molecular genetic manipulation of crops. It links the latest advances in molecular genetics with the science and history of plant domestication, the evolution of plant breeding, and the implications of this new knowledge for both the agriculture of today and the future.
ISBN: 9780199207145


(62) Inv.: 05-000104 S.T.: 631(091) MUR ej.1