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Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
581.1 ULL ej.1

Ullrich, Wolfram R.
  Inorganic nitrogen metabolism / W. R. Ullrich [et al.] [LIB]. -- Berlín : Springer, 1987

  Contenido: Part 1. Basic aspects (Energetics and C-assimilation)
Part 2. General survey on uptake and metabolism of inorganic nitrogen (Eukaryotic algae and higer plants, Prokaryotes)
Part 3. Enzymes of inorganic nitrogen metabolism (Nitrate reductase, Nitirte reductase, Enzymes of ammonium metabolism, Nitrogenase and related hydrogenase activities, Other enzymes and coenzymes, Metalloproteins in nitrogen metabolism and related processes)
Part 4. Regulation of nitrogen utilization and special topics (Regulation in Algae and Cyanobacteria, Regulation in higer plants)
References, Subject index
  ISBN: 3540175326

  1. NITROGENO; 2. FISIOLOGIA VEGETAL; 3. METABOLISMO DEL NITROGENO I. Aparicio, Pedro J. II. Syrett, Philip J. III. Castillo, F.

  (62) Inv.: 01-009321 S.T.: 581.1 ULL ej.1
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01-009321 581.1 ULL ej.1

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Ullrich, Wolfram R.
Inorganic nitrogen metabolism / W. R. Ullrich [et al.] [LIB]. -- Berlín : Springer, 1987

Contenido: Part 1. Basic aspects (Energetics and C-assimilation)
Part 2. General survey on uptake and metabolism of inorganic nitrogen (Eukaryotic algae and higer plants, Prokaryotes)
Part 3. Enzymes of inorganic nitrogen metabolism (Nitrate reductase, Nitirte reductase, Enzymes of ammonium metabolism, Nitrogenase and related hydrogenase activities, Other enzymes and coenzymes, Metalloproteins in nitrogen metabolism and related processes)
Part 4. Regulation of nitrogen utilization and special topics (Regulation in Algae and Cyanobacteria, Regulation in higer plants)
References, Subject index
ISBN: 3540175326

1. NITROGENO; 2. FISIOLOGIA VEGETAL; 3. METABOLISMO DEL NITROGENO I. Aparicio, Pedro J. II. Syrett, Philip J. III. Castillo, F.

(62) Inv.: 01-009321 S.T.: 581.1 ULL ej.1