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Red de Bibliotecas
BS 001 ej.1

Jarvis, Charlie
  Order out of chaos : Linnean plant names and their types / C. Jarvis [LIB]. -- London : Linnean Society of London; Natural History Museum, London, 2007

  Contenido: Prefaces; Introduction; 1. The art and science of typification (Categories of types and original material, elements of the Linnean protologue, the process of typifying Linnean names, generic names, glossary); 2. A brief life of Linnaeus (Early interest in natural history, to the Netherlands, return to Sweden); 3. Major botanical publications of Linnaeus, including the dissertations and the Amoenitates Academicae); 4. Sources of information, literature used by Linnaeus; 5. Sources of information, Linnaean and Linnaean-linked herbaria; 6. Sources of information, collectors, suppliers of propagules, intermediaries and recipients, references; 7. Linnaean plant names and their types (Scope, organisation of entries, glossary, A-Z of Linnaean names, authors of new typifications; Acknowledgements; Picture credits; General index; Taxonomic index
  ISBN: 9780950620770


  (62) Inv.: 05-000091 S.T.: BS 001 ej.1
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05-000091 BS 001 ej.1

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Jarvis, Charlie
Order out of chaos : Linnean plant names and their types / C. Jarvis [LIB]. -- London : Linnean Society of London; Natural History Museum, London, 2007

Contenido: Prefaces; Introduction; 1. The art and science of typification (Categories of types and original material, elements of the Linnean protologue, the process of typifying Linnean names, generic names, glossary); 2. A brief life of Linnaeus (Early interest in natural history, to the Netherlands, return to Sweden); 3. Major botanical publications of Linnaeus, including the dissertations and the Amoenitates Academicae); 4. Sources of information, literature used by Linnaeus; 5. Sources of information, Linnaean and Linnaean-linked herbaria; 6. Sources of information, collectors, suppliers of propagules, intermediaries and recipients, references; 7. Linnaean plant names and their types (Scope, organisation of entries, glossary, A-Z of Linnaean names, authors of new typifications; Acknowledgements; Picture credits; General index; Taxonomic index
ISBN: 9780950620770


(62) Inv.: 05-000091 S.T.: BS 001 ej.1