Catálogo Bibliográfico
Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
581.9(73) DRE ej.1

Dressler, Robert L.
  Identification manual for wetland plant species of Florida [LIB]. -- Florida : Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences; Florida Agricultural Experiment Station; Florida Cooperative Extension Service, 1987

  Sect. 1: Algae and Mosses. -- Sect. 2: Ferns. -- Sect. 3: Conifers. -- Sect. 4: Monocotyledons. -- Sect. 5: Dicotyledons. -- Glossary. -- Index
  ISBN: 0916287041

  1. PLANTAS ACUATICAS; 2. TAXONOMIA; 3. FLORA; 4. ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA I. Hall, David W. II. Perkins, Kent D. III. Williams, Norris H.

  (62) Inv.: 01-008436 S.T.: 581.9(73) DRE ej.1
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01-008436 581.9(73) DRE ej.1

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Dressler, Robert L.
Identification manual for wetland plant species of Florida [LIB]. -- Florida : Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences; Florida Agricultural Experiment Station; Florida Cooperative Extension Service, 1987

Sect. 1: Algae and Mosses. -- Sect. 2: Ferns. -- Sect. 3: Conifers. -- Sect. 4: Monocotyledons. -- Sect. 5: Dicotyledons. -- Glossary. -- Index
ISBN: 0916287041

1. PLANTAS ACUATICAS; 2. TAXONOMIA; 3. FLORA; 4. ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA I. Hall, David W. II. Perkins, Kent D. III. Williams, Norris H.

(62) Inv.: 01-008436 S.T.: 581.9(73) DRE ej.1