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Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
543.3 EAT ej.1

Eaton, Andrew D.
  Standar methods : for the examination of water & wastewater / Andrew D. Eaton ...[et al.] [LIB]. -- 21a ed. -- Washington : American Public Health Association, 2005
  ISBN: 0875530478

  1. ANALISIS DE AGUA; 2. METODOS ANALITICOS; 3. SANEAMIENTO; 4. SANIDAD PUBLICA; 5. HIGIENE DEL AGUA I. Clesceri, Lenore S. II. Rice, Eugene W. III. Greenberg, Arnold E. IV. Franson, Mary Ann H.

  (6) Inv.: 03-002772 S.T.: 543.3 EAT ej.1 ; (6) Inv.: 03-002773 S.T.: 543.3 EAT ej.2
2 Ejemplares
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03-002772 543.3 EAT ej.1
03-002773 543.3 EAT ej.2

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Eaton, Andrew D.
Standar methods : for the examination of water & wastewater / Andrew D. Eaton ...[et al.] [LIB]. -- 21a ed. -- Washington : American Public Health Association, 2005
ISBN: 0875530478

1. ANALISIS DE AGUA; 2. METODOS ANALITICOS; 3. SANEAMIENTO; 4. SANIDAD PUBLICA; 5. HIGIENE DEL AGUA I. Clesceri, Lenore S. II. Rice, Eugene W. III. Greenberg, Arnold E. IV. Franson, Mary Ann H.

(6) Inv.: 03-002772 S.T.: 543.3 EAT ej.1 ; (6) Inv.: 03-002773 S.T.: 543.3 EAT ej.2