Catálogo Bibliográfico
Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
614.7 P646/3 ej.1

Feachem, Richard
  Appropiate technology for water supply and sanitation health aspects of excreta and sullage management : a state-of-the art review [LIB]. -- Washington : The World Bank, 1981

  1. TECNOLOGIA; 2. AGUA; 3. EVACUACION DE AGUAS RESIDUALES I. Bradley, David II. Garelick, Hemda III. Mara, Duncan

  (16) Inv.: 25-001811 S.T.: 614.7 P646/3 ej.1
1 Ejemplar
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25-001811 614.7 P646/3 ej.1

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Feachem, Richard
Appropiate technology for water supply and sanitation health aspects of excreta and sullage management : a state-of-the art review [LIB]. -- Washington : The World Bank, 1981

1. TECNOLOGIA; 2. AGUA; 3. EVACUACION DE AGUAS RESIDUALES I. Bradley, David II. Garelick, Hemda III. Mara, Duncan

(16) Inv.: 25-001811 S.T.: 614.7 P646/3 ej.1