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AVDRC-635 S528 ej.1

Shanmugasundaram, S.
  Vegetable research and development in south Asia [LIB]. -- SHanhua , Tainan : Asian Vegetable Research Development Center (AVRDC), 1990

  Publication Nª90-331
  ISBN: 9290580437

  1. PRODUCCION VEGETAL; 2. INVESTIGACION AGRARIA; 3. POLITICA DE DESARROLLO; 4. ASIA I. Workhop on Vegetable Research and Development in South Asia (1990-1990)

  (16) Inv.: 25-002228 S.T.: AVDRC-635 S528 ej.1
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25-002228 AVDRC-635 S528 ej.1

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Shanmugasundaram, S.
Vegetable research and development in south Asia [LIB]. -- SHanhua , Tainan : Asian Vegetable Research Development Center (AVRDC), 1990

Publication Nª90-331
ISBN: 9290580437

1. PRODUCCION VEGETAL; 2. INVESTIGACION AGRARIA; 3. POLITICA DE DESARROLLO; 4. ASIA I. Workhop on Vegetable Research and Development in South Asia (1990-1990)

(16) Inv.: 25-002228 S.T.: AVDRC-635 S528 ej.1