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Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

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AVRDC-631.00.5 O61 ej.1

Opeña, R.T.
  Vegetable research and development in SADCC countries : proceedings (actas) of a workshop [LIB]. -- Arusha, Tanzania : Asian Vegetable Research Development Center (AVRDC); Southern African Centre For Cooperation in Agricultural Research and Training (SACCAR), 1990
  ISBN: 9290580429

  1. VEGETALES; 2. INVESTIGACION; 3. VARIEDADES INDIGENAS; 4. CONSERVACION DEL GERMOPLASMA; 5. PLANTAS EXOTICAS; 6. AFRICA I. Kyomo, M.L. II. Workshop of Vegetable Research and Development in SADCC Countries (1990-1990)

  (16) Inv.: 25-003905 S.T.: AVRDC-631.00.5 O61 ej.1
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25-003905 AVRDC-631.00.5 O61 ej.1

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Opeña, R.T.
Vegetable research and development in SADCC countries : proceedings (actas) of a workshop [LIB]. -- Arusha, Tanzania : Asian Vegetable Research Development Center (AVRDC); Southern African Centre For Cooperation in Agricultural Research and Training (SACCAR), 1990
ISBN: 9290580429

1. VEGETALES; 2. INVESTIGACION; 3. VARIEDADES INDIGENAS; 4. CONSERVACION DEL GERMOPLASMA; 5. PLANTAS EXOTICAS; 6. AFRICA I. Kyomo, M.L. II. Workshop of Vegetable Research and Development in SADCC Countries (1990-1990)

(16) Inv.: 25-003905 S.T.: AVRDC-631.00.5 O61 ej.1