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Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
CIP-633.491:632.7 R425 ej.1

International Potato Center (IPC)
  Report of the Planning Conference on the Developments in the Control of nematode Pests of Potatoes II [LIB]. -- Lima : International Potato Center (IPC), 1978

  1. PAPA; 2. NEMATODOS DE LAS PLANTAS; 3. RESISTENCIA A LAS PLAGAS; 4. CONTROL DE PLAGAS I. Conference on The Developments in the Control of Nematode Pest of Potaoes (1978-1978)

  (16) Inv.: 25-003783 S.T.: CIP-633.491:632.7 R425 ej.1
1 Ejemplar
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25-003783 CIP-633.491:632.7 R425 ej.1

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International Potato Center (IPC)
Report of the Planning Conference on the Developments in the Control of nematode Pests of Potatoes II [LIB]. -- Lima : International Potato Center (IPC), 1978

1. PAPA; 2. NEMATODOS DE LAS PLANTAS; 3. RESISTENCIA A LAS PLAGAS; 4. CONTROL DE PLAGAS I. Conference on The Developments in the Control of Nematode Pest of Potaoes (1978-1978)

(16) Inv.: 25-003783 S.T.: CIP-633.491:632.7 R425 ej.1