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Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

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621.039 E41/1 ej.1

El-Genk, Mohamed S.
  Space nuclear power systems 1984 [LIB]. -- Florida : Orbit Book Company, 1985

  Proceedings of the First Symposium on Space Nuclear Power Systems held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, January 11-13, 1984
  ISBN: 0894640046

  1. INGENIERIA; 2. NUCLEAR I. Hoover, Mark D.

  (10) Inv.: 10-010081 S.T.: 621.039 E41/1 ej.1
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10-010081 621.039 E41/1 ej.1

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El-Genk, Mohamed S.
Space nuclear power systems 1984 [LIB]. -- Florida : Orbit Book Company, 1985

Proceedings of the First Symposium on Space Nuclear Power Systems held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, January 11-13, 1984
ISBN: 0894640046

1. INGENIERIA; 2. NUCLEAR I. Hoover, Mark D.

(10) Inv.: 10-010081 S.T.: 621.039 E41/1 ej.1