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Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
591.6 S923 ej.1

Strong, Richard P.
  Medical report of the Hamilton Rice seventh expedition to the Amazon, in conjunction with the department of tropical medicine of Harvard University, 1924-1925 [LIB]. -- Cambridge : Cambridge Harvard University Press, 1926

  1. ZOOLOGIA; 2. BIOLOGIA; 3. INFECCION; 4. LESMANIASIS I. Shattuck, George C. II. Bequaert, Joseph C.

  (10) Inv.: 10-007453 S.T.: 591.6 S923 ej.1
1 Ejemplar
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10-007453 591.6 S923 ej.1

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Strong, Richard P.
Medical report of the Hamilton Rice seventh expedition to the Amazon, in conjunction with the department of tropical medicine of Harvard University, 1924-1925 [LIB]. -- Cambridge : Cambridge Harvard University Press, 1926

1. ZOOLOGIA; 2. BIOLOGIA; 3. INFECCION; 4. LESMANIASIS I. Shattuck, George C. II. Bequaert, Joseph C.

(10) Inv.: 10-007453 S.T.: 591.6 S923 ej.1