Catálogo Bibliográfico
Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
944 W734 ej.1

Willis, F. Roy
  The french in Germany 1945-1949 [LIB]. -- Stanford : Stanford University, 1962

  Content : 1. The long road to Greatness. -- 2. France and the German problem, 1945-1947. -- 3. France and the German problem, 1947-1949. -- 4. The instruments of occupation : army and military government. -- 5. The zone in 1945 : formulation of aims and stocktaking. -- 6. Restitution and reparations. 7. The economic policy of the zone and the interests of France. -- 8. Denazification and re-education. -- 9. The revival of German political life, 1945-1947. 10. German political life, 1947-1949 : from Landtag to Bundestag.


  (1) Inv.: 01-004797 S.T.: 944 W734 ej.1
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01-004797 944 W734 ej.1

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Willis, F. Roy
The french in Germany 1945-1949 [LIB]. -- Stanford : Stanford University, 1962

Content : 1. The long road to Greatness. -- 2. France and the German problem, 1945-1947. -- 3. France and the German problem, 1947-1949. -- 4. The instruments of occupation : army and military government. -- 5. The zone in 1945 : formulation of aims and stocktaking. -- 6. Restitution and reparations. 7. The economic policy of the zone and the interests of France. -- 8. Denazification and re-education. -- 9. The revival of German political life, 1945-1947. 10. German political life, 1947-1949 : from Landtag to Bundestag.


(1) Inv.: 01-004797 S.T.: 944 W734 ej.1