Catálogo Bibliográfico
Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
820-34 L419 I ej.1

Lawrence, D. H. (1885-1930)
  The princess and other stories [LIB]. -- London : Penguin, 1976

  Contents : The wilful woman. -- The princess. -- The overtone. -- The flying fish. -- Sun. -- Mercury. -- The man who Was through with the world. -- A dream of life. -- The Undyng man. -- The blue moccasins. -- Things. -- Mother and daughter.


  (1) Inv.: 01-018569 S.T.: 820-34 L419 I ej.1
1 Ejemplar
U. Info. Inventario S.T. / Ubicación
01-018569 820-34 L419 I ej.1

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Lawrence, D. H. (1885-1930)
The princess and other stories [LIB]. -- London : Penguin, 1976

Contents : The wilful woman. -- The princess. -- The overtone. -- The flying fish. -- Sun. -- Mercury. -- The man who Was through with the world. -- A dream of life. -- The Undyng man. -- The blue moccasins. -- Things. -- Mother and daughter.


(1) Inv.: 01-018569 S.T.: 820-34 L419 I ej.1