Catálogo Bibliográfico
Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
615 G653 I ej.1

Goodman, Louis S. (1906-...)
  The pharmacoligical basis of therapeutics : a textbook of pharmacology, toxicology and therapeutics for physicians and medical students [LIB]. -- 4th ed. -- New York : MacMillan, 1970

  1. FARMACOLOGIA I. Gilman, Alfred

  (1) Inv.: 06-001627 S.T.: 615 G653 I ej.1
1 Ejemplar
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06-001627 615 G653 I ej.1

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Goodman, Louis S. (1906-...)
The pharmacoligical basis of therapeutics : a textbook of pharmacology, toxicology and therapeutics for physicians and medical students [LIB]. -- 4th ed. -- New York : MacMillan, 1970

1. FARMACOLOGIA I. Gilman, Alfred

(1) Inv.: 06-001627 S.T.: 615 G653 I ej.1