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Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
Sukegawa, Shintaro
  Características morfológicas de los quistes radiculares mediante tomografía computarizada
  En: Odontology / The Society of the Nippon Dental University; odo, v.108 no1. -- Vol. 108, no. 1 (January, 2020). -- Tokyo : Springer, 2001

  The purpose of this study was to evaluate computed tomography (CT) findings of radicular cysts with a focus on location, size, and condition of the surrounding bone. Subjects comprised 60 men and 86 women (mean age 47.2 years) with histopathologically confirmed radicular cysts who underwent CT examination between 2012 and 2014. Mesiodistal and buccolingual diameters were measured at the location where the lesion appeared to be largest on CT axial images. Of the 146 cases, 103 lesions were in the maxilla and 43 were in the mandible. Mesiodistal diameter of the maxillary lesions was significantly larger than that of the mandibular lesions. However, the ratio of mesiodistal diameter to buccolingual diameter in the mandible was significantly larger than that in the maxilla. Bone expansion was more significant in the maxilla than in the mandible. Mesiodistal and buccolingual diameters in only the maxilla and perilesional sclerotic radiolucency in images of both jaws were significantly associated with the severity of clinical symptoms. The findings suggest that radicular cysts in the maxilla are accompanied by bone expansion in the mesiodistal and buccolingual directions and those in the mandible progress in the mesiodistal direction without bone expansion. Clinical acute symptoms (pain and swelling) are correlated with lesion size in the maxilla; such a correlation is not clear for mandibular lesions, and discovery of mandibular lesions may, therefore, be delayed.
  ISSN: 16181247

  1. QUISTE RADICULAR; 2. HALLAZGOS CT; 3. LESIONES PERIAPICALES; 4. MANDIBULA; 5. MAXILAR I. Matsuzaki, Hidenobu II. Katase, Naoki III. Kawai, Hotaka IV. Kanno, Takahiro V. Furuki, Yoshihiko

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Sukegawa, Shintaro
Características morfológicas de los quistes radiculares mediante tomografía computarizada
En: Odontology / The Society of the Nippon Dental University; odo, v.108 no1. -- Vol. 108, no. 1 (January, 2020). -- Tokyo : Springer, 2001

The purpose of this study was to evaluate computed tomography (CT) findings of radicular cysts with a focus on location, size, and condition of the surrounding bone. Subjects comprised 60 men and 86 women (mean age 47.2 years) with histopathologically confirmed radicular cysts who underwent CT examination between 2012 and 2014. Mesiodistal and buccolingual diameters were measured at the location where the lesion appeared to be largest on CT axial images. Of the 146 cases, 103 lesions were in the maxilla and 43 were in the mandible. Mesiodistal diameter of the maxillary lesions was significantly larger than that of the mandibular lesions. However, the ratio of mesiodistal diameter to buccolingual diameter in the mandible was significantly larger than that in the maxilla. Bone expansion was more significant in the maxilla than in the mandible. Mesiodistal and buccolingual diameters in only the maxilla and perilesional sclerotic radiolucency in images of both jaws were significantly associated with the severity of clinical symptoms. The findings suggest that radicular cysts in the maxilla are accompanied by bone expansion in the mesiodistal and buccolingual directions and those in the mandible progress in the mesiodistal direction without bone expansion. Clinical acute symptoms (pain and swelling) are correlated with lesion size in the maxilla; such a correlation is not clear for mandibular lesions, and discovery of mandibular lesions may, therefore, be delayed.
ISSN: 16181247

1. QUISTE RADICULAR; 2. HALLAZGOS CT; 3. LESIONES PERIAPICALES; 4. MANDIBULA; 5. MAXILAR I. Matsuzaki, Hidenobu II. Katase, Naoki III. Kawai, Hotaka IV. Kanno, Takahiro V. Furuki, Yoshihiko