Catálogo Bibliográfico
Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
Holt, Stanley C.
  Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola, and Tannerella forsythia : the red complex a prototype polybacterial pathogenic consortium in periodontitis.
  En: Periodontology 2000 : Microbiology of periodontal diseases, pathogens,virulence and ecology / Haffajee, Anne D.. -- Vol. 38 (2005). -- Edimburgo : Ars Médica, 2005
  ISSN: 09066713


  (9) Inv.: 12-R02181 S.T.: PER v.38, ej.1
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12-R02181 PER v.38, ej.1

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Formulario para Solicitud de Material

Holt, Stanley C.
Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola, and Tannerella forsythia : the red complex a prototype polybacterial pathogenic consortium in periodontitis.
En: Periodontology 2000 : Microbiology of periodontal diseases, pathogens,virulence and ecology / Haffajee, Anne D. -- Vol. 38 (2005). -- Edimburgo : Ars Médica, 2005
ISSN: 09066713


(9) Inv.: 12-R02181 S.T.: PER v.38, ej.1