Catálogo Bibliográfico
Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
Saporito, Wladmir F.
  Aneurisma da artéria coronária esquerda / Wladmir F.Saporito...[et al.]
  En: South American Journal of Thoracic Surgery / Asociación Sudamericana de Cirugía Torácica (ASCT). -- Vol. 6, no. 1-3 (abr/dic, 2000). -- Buenos Aires : Asociación Sudamericana de Cirugía Torácica (ASCT), 2000

  En: vol.6(1): 6-9, 2000 - Relato de caso

  The coronary artery aneurysm reports are searce in medical literature and habitually related with the artherosclerotic or degeneratives etiology in funcion of the primary or secundary arteritis. Among the cases described by the literature, the anuerisms it's more in right coronary artery. The authors report a case of pacient with premature precordialgy and miocardic isquemic symptomas. The coronary angiography demostrated anterior descendina artery aneurysm with diagonal branch. Didn't present arteriopaty signs on others coronary organics systems and neithers symptomas of the arteritir or sepsis history related with micotic etiology. Electtivall accomplished with cardiopulmonary bypas the aneurysm resection and posteriory anterior descending artery revascularization with left internal mammary artery graft and fiirst diagonal branch with saphenous vein grafts. The post operative elapsed not problems and pacient stayed in the hospital for seven days. Actually, it is on tenth month ot thr attendance with good evolution.
  ISSN: 01048759

  1. ANEURISMA; 2. INSUFICIENCIA CARDIACA; 3. CIRUGIA CARDIACA I. Pires, Adilson C. II. Freitas, Andréa C.O. III. Gui, Demiam IV. Silas, Marcelo G.

  (8) Inv.: R10711 S.T.: H142 vol.6 no 1 ej.1 ; (8) Inv.: R10712 S.T.: H142 vol.6 no 2 ej.1 ; (8) Inv.: R10713 S.T.: H142 vol.6 no 3 ej.1
3 Ejemplares
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R10711 H142 vol.6 no 1 ej.1
R10712 H142 vol.6 no 2 ej.1
R10713 H142 vol.6 no 3 ej.1

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Formulario para Solicitud de Material

Saporito, Wladmir F.
Aneurisma da artéria coronária esquerda / Wladmir F.Saporito...[et al.]
En: South American Journal of Thoracic Surgery / Asociación Sudamericana de Cirugía Torácica (ASCT). -- Vol. 6, no. 1-3 (abr/dic, 2000). -- Buenos Aires : Asociación Sudamericana de Cirugía Torácica (ASCT), 2000

En: vol.6(1): 6-9, 2000 - Relato de caso

The coronary artery aneurysm reports are searce in medical literature and habitually related with the artherosclerotic or degeneratives etiology in funcion of the primary or secundary arteritis. Among the cases described by the literature, the anuerisms it's more in right coronary artery. The authors report a case of pacient with premature precordialgy and miocardic isquemic symptomas. The coronary angiography demostrated anterior descendina artery aneurysm with diagonal branch. Didn't present arteriopaty signs on others coronary organics systems and neithers symptomas of the arteritir or sepsis history related with micotic etiology. Electtivall accomplished with cardiopulmonary bypas the aneurysm resection and posteriory anterior descending artery revascularization with left internal mammary artery graft and fiirst diagonal branch with saphenous vein grafts. The post operative elapsed not problems and pacient stayed in the hospital for seven days. Actually, it is on tenth month ot thr attendance with good evolution.
ISSN: 01048759

1. ANEURISMA; 2. INSUFICIENCIA CARDIACA; 3. CIRUGIA CARDIACA I. Pires, Adilson C. II. Freitas, Andréa C.O. III. Gui, Demiam IV. Silas, Marcelo G.

(8) Inv.: R10711 S.T.: H142 vol.6 no 1 ej.1 ; (8) Inv.: R10712 S.T.: H142 vol.6 no 2 ej.1 ; (8) Inv.: R10713 S.T.: H142 vol.6 no 3 ej.1