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Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
504 EHC/182(es.ex) ej.1

World Health Organization (WHO)
  Thallium [LIB]. -- Geneva : World Health Organization (WHO), 1996. -- (Environmental Health Criteria; 182)

  Published under the joint sponsorship of the United Nations Environment Programme, the International Labour Organisation, and the World Health Organization
  ISBN: 9241571829

  1. METAL; 2. PROPIEDAD QUIMICA; 3. RIESGOS PARA LA SALUD; 4. HIGIENE AMBIENTAL; 5. TALIO I. International Programme on Chemical Safety

  (8) Inv.: 012559 S.T.: 504 EHC/182(es.ex) ej.1
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012559 504 EHC/182(es.ex) ej.1

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World Health Organization (WHO)
Thallium [LIB]. -- Geneva : World Health Organization (WHO), 1996. -- (Environmental Health Criteria; 182)

Published under the joint sponsorship of the United Nations Environment Programme, the International Labour Organisation, and the World Health Organization
ISBN: 9241571829

1. METAL; 2. PROPIEDAD QUIMICA; 3. RIESGOS PARA LA SALUD; 4. HIGIENE AMBIENTAL; 5. TALIO I. International Programme on Chemical Safety

(8) Inv.: 012559 S.T.: 504 EHC/182(es.ex) ej.1