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Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
581.9(729.5) LIT/2 ej.1

Little, Elbert L.
  Trees of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands : second volume [LIB]. -- Washington : United States Departament of Agriculture (USDA), 1974. -- (Agriculture Handbook; 449)

  1. FLORA; 2. ARBOLES; 3. PUERTO RICO; 4. ISLAS VIRGENES I. Woodbury, Roy O. II. Wadsworth, Frank H.

  (62) Inv.: 01-005462 S.T.: 581.9(729.5) LIT/2 ej.1
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01-005462 581.9(729.5) LIT/2 ej.1

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Little, Elbert L.
Trees of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands : second volume [LIB]. -- Washington : United States Departament of Agriculture (USDA), 1974. -- (Agriculture Handbook; 449)

1. FLORA; 2. ARBOLES; 3. PUERTO RICO; 4. ISLAS VIRGENES I. Woodbury, Roy O. II. Wadsworth, Frank H.

(62) Inv.: 01-005462 S.T.: 581.9(729.5) LIT/2 ej.1