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Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
631(81) PAD ej.1

Padoch, Christine
  Várzea : diversity, development, and conservation of Amazonia's whitewater floodplains [LIB]. -- New York : New York Botanical Garden, 1999. -- (Advances in Economic Botany / New York Botanical Garden; 13)
  ISBN: 0893274194

  1. DESARROLLO SOSTENIBLE; 2. AMAZONAS (BRASIL); 3. LLANURA ALUVIAL; 4. ECOLOGIA; 5. BOSQUES I. Ayres, José Márcio II. Pinedo-Vasquez, Miguel III. Henderson, Andrew (1950-...)

  (62) Inv.: 05-000047 S.T.: 631(81) PAD ej.1
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05-000047 631(81) PAD ej.1

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Padoch, Christine
Várzea : diversity, development, and conservation of Amazonia's whitewater floodplains [LIB]. -- New York : New York Botanical Garden, 1999. -- (Advances in Economic Botany / New York Botanical Garden; 13)
ISBN: 0893274194

1. DESARROLLO SOSTENIBLE; 2. AMAZONAS (BRASIL); 3. LLANURA ALUVIAL; 4. ECOLOGIA; 5. BOSQUES I. Ayres, José Márcio II. Pinedo-Vasquez, Miguel III. Henderson, Andrew (1950-...)

(62) Inv.: 05-000047 S.T.: 631(81) PAD ej.1