Catálogo Bibliográfico
Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
575 WAL ej.1

Wallace, Susan S.
  DNA damage : effects on DNA structure and protein recognition [LIB]. -- New York : The New York Academiy of Sciences, 1994. -- (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences / New York Academy of Science; 726)
  ISBN: 0897668847

  1. ADN; 2. RECOMBINACION I. Houten, Bennett van II. Kow, Yoke Wah III. DNA Damage: Effects on DNA Structure and Protein Recognition (1993-1993)

  (62) Inv.: 02-002078 S.T.: 575 WAL ej.1

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02-002078 575 WAL ej.1

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Wallace, Susan S.
DNA damage : effects on DNA structure and protein recognition [LIB]. -- New York : The New York Academiy of Sciences, 1994. -- (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences / New York Academy of Science; 726)
ISBN: 0897668847

1. ADN; 2. RECOMBINACION I. Houten, Bennett van II. Kow, Yoke Wah III. DNA Damage: Effects on DNA Structure and Protein Recognition (1993-1993)

(62) Inv.: 02-002078 S.T.: 575 WAL ej.1