Catálogo Bibliográfico
Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
FLO-BO 03 ej.1

Parker, Theodore A, III
  The lowland dry forest of Santa Cruz, Bolivia : a global conservation priority / Theodore A. Parker III; Alwyn H. Gentry; Robin B. Foster [et al.] [LIB]. -- Washington : Conservation International, 1993. -- (RAP Working Papers; v. 4)
  ISBN: 188117302X

  1. CHACO; 2. BOLIVIA; 3. FLORA; 4. CONSERVACION DE LA NATURALEZA; 5. CERRADO; 6. ECOLOGIA I. Gentry, Alwyn H. II. Foster, Robin B. III. Emmons, Louise H. IV. Remsen, Jr., J. V.

  (62) Inv.: 01-013189 S.T.: FLO-BO 03 ej.1
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01-013189 FLO-BO 03 ej.1

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Parker, Theodore A, III
The lowland dry forest of Santa Cruz, Bolivia : a global conservation priority / Theodore A. Parker III; Alwyn H. Gentry; Robin B. Foster [et al.] [LIB]. -- Washington : Conservation International, 1993. -- (RAP Working Papers; v. 4)
ISBN: 188117302X

1. CHACO; 2. BOLIVIA; 3. FLORA; 4. CONSERVACION DE LA NATURALEZA; 5. CERRADO; 6. ECOLOGIA I. Gentry, Alwyn H. II. Foster, Robin B. III. Emmons, Louise H. IV. Remsen, Jr., J. V.

(62) Inv.: 01-013189 S.T.: FLO-BO 03 ej.1