Catálogo Bibliográfico
Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
DK-O/1no 67 ej.1

Arvidsson, Lars
  A monograph of the lichen genus Coccocarpia / Lars Arvidson [LIB]. -- Copenhagen : Council for Nordic Publications in Botany, 1982. -- (Opera Botanica / Council for Nordic Publications in Botany; 67)

  Twentyone species of Coccocarpia are rcognized world wide, six of which are new, viz. C. adnata, C. filiformis, C. flavicans, C. myriocarpa, C. pruinosa, and C. xanthorioides. Three new combinations are made, viz. C. endoferruginea (Räs.) L. Aridss., C. erythroardia (Müll. Arg.) L. Arvidss. is given a new circumscription. A key to the species is presented together with data on synonymy, morphology, anatomy, chemistry, variation, taxonomy, habitat, and distribution. All species are illustrated. All relevant type specimens were examined, and 52 lectotypes are selected. Attention is drawn to the absence of a pored epicortex in three species with a finely pruinose upper surface. Four species are distinguished by the presence of various lichen products in their thalli. Other important specific characters are: shape and branching of the lobes, presence or absence of isidia, shape and/or size of isidia, apothecia and spores. Species of Coccocarpia are mainly coricolous; threee species are obligately foliicolous. Three species are pantropical in distribution (one also reaches arctic areas); 4 are neotropical; 10 are paleotropical (5 widespread, 1 African, 2 Malaysian, 2 Pacific); 2 species occur in both America and Africa, and 1 on both sides of the Pacific Ocean. The distribution of C. imbricascens is unknown


  (62) Inv.: 01-R13133 S.T.: DK-O/1no 67 ej.1
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01-R13133 DK-O/1no 67 ej.1

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Arvidsson, Lars
A monograph of the lichen genus Coccocarpia / Lars Arvidson [LIB]. -- Copenhagen : Council for Nordic Publications in Botany, 1982. -- (Opera Botanica / Council for Nordic Publications in Botany; 67)

Twentyone species of Coccocarpia are rcognized world wide, six of which are new, viz. C. adnata, C. filiformis, C. flavicans, C. myriocarpa, C. pruinosa, and C. xanthorioides. Three new combinations are made, viz. C. endoferruginea (Räs.) L. Aridss., C. erythroardia (Müll. Arg.) L. Arvidss. is given a new circumscription. A key to the species is presented together with data on synonymy, morphology, anatomy, chemistry, variation, taxonomy, habitat, and distribution. All species are illustrated. All relevant type specimens were examined, and 52 lectotypes are selected. Attention is drawn to the absence of a pored epicortex in three species with a finely pruinose upper surface. Four species are distinguished by the presence of various lichen products in their thalli. Other important specific characters are: shape and branching of the lobes, presence or absence of isidia, shape and/or size of isidia, apothecia and spores. Species of Coccocarpia are mainly coricolous; threee species are obligately foliicolous. Three species are pantropical in distribution (one also reaches arctic areas); 4 are neotropical; 10 are paleotropical (5 widespread, 1 African, 2 Malaysian, 2 Pacific); 2 species occur in both America and Africa, and 1 on both sides of the Pacific Ocean. The distribution of C. imbricascens is unknown


(62) Inv.: 01-R13133 S.T.: DK-O/1no 67 ej.1