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Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
581.9(54) HAI/3-4 ej.1

Haines, Henry Haselfoot (1867-1945)
  The botany of Bihar and Orissa : an account of all the known indigenous plants of the province and of the most important or most commonly cultivated exotic ones [LIB]. -- Dehra Dun : Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, 2006. -- (The botany of Bihar and Orissa : an account of all the known indigenous plants of the province and of the most important or most commonly cultivated exotic ones / Haines, Henry Haselfoot; 3-4)
  ISBN: 8121105854

  1. FLORA; 2. INDIA

  (62) Inv.: 01-011100 S.T.: 581.9(54) HAI/3-4 ej.1
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01-011100 581.9(54) HAI/3-4 ej.1

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Haines, Henry Haselfoot (1867-1945)
The botany of Bihar and Orissa : an account of all the known indigenous plants of the province and of the most important or most commonly cultivated exotic ones [LIB]. -- Dehra Dun : Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, 2006. -- (The botany of Bihar and Orissa : an account of all the known indigenous plants of the province and of the most important or most commonly cultivated exotic ones / Haines, Henry Haselfoot; 3-4)
ISBN: 8121105854


(62) Inv.: 01-011100 S.T.: 581.9(54) HAI/3-4 ej.1