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Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
Bertoni, María Delia
  Cultivo "in vitro" de micobiontes de Parmotrema eciliatum y Flavoparmelia exornata (Parmeliaceae, ascomycota liquenizados) con producción de trigliceridos / M. D. Bertoni; M. T. Adler; M. S. Maier
  En: Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica / Sociedad Argentina de Botánica (SAB). -- Vol. 34, no. 3-4 (feb, 2000). -- [s.l.] : Sociedad Argentina de Botánica (SAB), 2000

  fot. byn.

  In vitro culture of mycobionts of Parmotrema eciliatum and Flavoparmelia exornata (Parmeliaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) with production of triglycerides. The mycobionts of Parmotrema eciliatum (Nyl.) Hale and Flavoparmeilia exormata (Zahlbr.) Hale have been cultured axenically on solid medium (malt extract-yeast extract-sucrose-agar) starting from ascospores. Growth was extremely slow in both species, whose myceliarached only 6-10 mm diam. after 10 months. The colonies were very compact, with fungal tissue constiuting mostly a paraplectenchymatous lamina with revolute margins and poor development of arial hyphae. Chemical analysis of the mycobionts by thin layer chromatography after 4, 7 and 10 months of growth did not detect accumulation of the major secondary metabolites characteristic of the natural thalli, namel atranorin and stictic acid in Parmotema eciliatum, and usnic and malonprotecetariacids in Flavoparmelia exornata, compounds of the acetate-polymalonate pathway. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra taken after 10 months revealed mainly the accumulation of triglycerides (lipids of primary metabolism) by the mycobionts.
  ISSN: 0373580X

  1. LIQUENES; 2. CULTIVO IN VITRO I. Adler, Mónica T. II. Maier, Marta S.

  (62) Inv.: 02-R05873 S.T.: AR-B/4 v 34 no 3-4 ej.1
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02-R05873 AR-B/4 v 34 no 3-4 ej.1

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Bertoni, María Delia
Cultivo "in vitro" de micobiontes de Parmotrema eciliatum y Flavoparmelia exornata (Parmeliaceae, ascomycota liquenizados) con producción de trigliceridos / M. D. Bertoni; M. T. Adler; M. S. Maier
En: Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica / Sociedad Argentina de Botánica (SAB). -- Vol. 34, no. 3-4 (feb, 2000). -- [s.l.] : Sociedad Argentina de Botánica (SAB), 2000

fot. byn.

In vitro culture of mycobionts of Parmotrema eciliatum and Flavoparmelia exornata (Parmeliaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) with production of triglycerides. The mycobionts of Parmotrema eciliatum (Nyl.) Hale and Flavoparmeilia exormata (Zahlbr.) Hale have been cultured axenically on solid medium (malt extract-yeast extract-sucrose-agar) starting from ascospores. Growth was extremely slow in both species, whose myceliarached only 6-10 mm diam. after 10 months. The colonies were very compact, with fungal tissue constiuting mostly a paraplectenchymatous lamina with revolute margins and poor development of arial hyphae. Chemical analysis of the mycobionts by thin layer chromatography after 4, 7 and 10 months of growth did not detect accumulation of the major secondary metabolites characteristic of the natural thalli, namel atranorin and stictic acid in Parmotema eciliatum, and usnic and malonprotecetariacids in Flavoparmelia exornata, compounds of the acetate-polymalonate pathway. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra taken after 10 months revealed mainly the accumulation of triglycerides (lipids of primary metabolism) by the mycobionts.
ISSN: 0373580X

1. LIQUENES; 2. CULTIVO IN VITRO I. Adler, Mónica T. II. Maier, Marta S.

(62) Inv.: 02-R05873 S.T.: AR-B/4 v 34 no 3-4 ej.1