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Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
581.557 SCA ej.1

Scannerini, Silvano
  Cell to cell signals in plant, animal and microbial symbiosis / S. Scannerini, D. Smith, P. Bonfante-Fasolo, V. Gianinazzi Pearson [LIB]. -- Berlín : Springer, 1988. -- (NATO ASI Series. Series H : Cell Biology)

  Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Cell to Cell Signals in Plant, Animal and Microbial Symbiosis held at Villa Gualino, Torino, Italy, May 19-22, 1987.
  ISBN: 3540185550

  1. BIOLOGIA; 2. SIMBIOSIS; 3. MICROBIOLOGIA; 4. FISIOLOGIA; 5. RHIZOBIUM; 6. NODULACION; 7. LIQUENES; 8. HONGOS DEL SUELO; 9. MICORRIZAS I. Smith, David II. Bonfante-Fasolo, Paola III. Gianinazzi-Pearson, Vivienne

  (62) Inv.: 01-009320 S.T.: 581.557 SCA ej.1
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01-009320 581.557 SCA ej.1

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Scannerini, Silvano
Cell to cell signals in plant, animal and microbial symbiosis / S. Scannerini, D. Smith, P. Bonfante-Fasolo, V. Gianinazzi Pearson [LIB]. -- Berlín : Springer, 1988. -- (NATO ASI Series. Series H : Cell Biology)

Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Cell to Cell Signals in Plant, Animal and Microbial Symbiosis held at Villa Gualino, Torino, Italy, May 19-22, 1987.
ISBN: 3540185550

1. BIOLOGIA; 2. SIMBIOSIS; 3. MICROBIOLOGIA; 4. FISIOLOGIA; 5. RHIZOBIUM; 6. NODULACION; 7. LIQUENES; 8. HONGOS DEL SUELO; 9. MICORRIZAS I. Smith, David II. Bonfante-Fasolo, Paola III. Gianinazzi-Pearson, Vivienne

(62) Inv.: 01-009320 S.T.: 581.557 SCA ej.1