Catálogo Bibliográfico
Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
Kennedy, Helen
  Calathea liesneri, a new species of Marantaceae from Venezuela / H. Kennedy
  En: Novon : a journal for botanical nomenclature / Missouri Botanical Garden Press (MO). -- Vol. 3, no. 1 (spr, 1993). -- Missouri : Missouri Botanical Garden Press (MO), 1993

  Calathea liesneri, from Territorio Federal Amazonas, Venezuela, is unusual in having the upper side of the lamina pilose throughout. It differs from other species sharing this feature by leaf shape, and bract shape and number. It is herein described as new for inclusion in the Flora of the Venezuelan Guyana treatment
  ISSN: 10553177


  (62) Inv.: 01-R07807 S.T.: US-N/1 v 03 n 1 ej.1
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Kennedy, Helen
Calathea liesneri, a new species of Marantaceae from Venezuela / H. Kennedy
En: Novon : a journal for botanical nomenclature / Missouri Botanical Garden Press (MO). -- Vol. 3, no. 1 (spr, 1993). -- Missouri : Missouri Botanical Garden Press (MO), 1993

Calathea liesneri, from Territorio Federal Amazonas, Venezuela, is unusual in having the upper side of the lamina pilose throughout. It differs from other species sharing this feature by leaf shape, and bract shape and number. It is herein described as new for inclusion in the Flora of the Venezuelan Guyana treatment
ISSN: 10553177


(62) Inv.: 01-R07807 S.T.: US-N/1 v 03 n 1 ej.1