Catálogo Bibliográfico
Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
Lombardi, Julio Antonio
  A noteworthy new species of Peritassa (Celastraceae, Hippocrateoideae) from amazonian Brazil / J. A. Lombardi
  En: Novon : a journal for botanical nomenclature / Missouri Botanical Garden Press (MO). -- Vol. 17, no. 1 (apr, 2007). -- Missouri : Missouri Botanical Garden Press (MO), 2007


  The new species Peritassa manaoara Lombardi differs from other species in Peritassa Miers by its unique 3-lobed stigma. The inclusion of this new taxon in Peritassa was based on the characteristics of non-confluent anther locules and the disc free from the ovary wall, which distinguishes this species fron Tontelea Aublet, the only other genus of Neotropical Hippocrateoideae species with a 3-lobed stigma and tubular nectariferous disc.
  ISSN: 10553177


  (62) Inv.: 01-R08856 S.T.: US-N/1 v 17 no 1 ej.1
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Lombardi, Julio Antonio
A noteworthy new species of Peritassa (Celastraceae, Hippocrateoideae) from amazonian Brazil / J. A. Lombardi
En: Novon : a journal for botanical nomenclature / Missouri Botanical Garden Press (MO). -- Vol. 17, no. 1 (apr, 2007). -- Missouri : Missouri Botanical Garden Press (MO), 2007


The new species Peritassa manaoara Lombardi differs from other species in Peritassa Miers by its unique 3-lobed stigma. The inclusion of this new taxon in Peritassa was based on the characteristics of non-confluent anther locules and the disc free from the ovary wall, which distinguishes this species fron Tontelea Aublet, the only other genus of Neotropical Hippocrateoideae species with a 3-lobed stigma and tubular nectariferous disc.
ISSN: 10553177


(62) Inv.: 01-R08856 S.T.: US-N/1 v 17 no 1 ej.1