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Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
Miranda, L. E.
  Appraisal of the selective properties of gill nets and implications for yield and value of the fisheries at the Itaipu Reservoir, Brazil-Paraguay [PDF] / L. E. Miranda ; A. A. Agostinho ; L. C. Gomes
  En: Fisheries Research / Elsevier Science Publishers. -- Vol. 45 (2000). -- Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, 2000

  1. MODELOS; 2. RENDIMIENTO; 3. YIELD; 4. REDES DE ENMALLE; 5. GILLNETS; 6. RESERVOIRS; 7. EMBALSES I. Agostinho, Angelo Antonio II. Gomes, L. C.

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Miranda, L. E.
Appraisal of the selective properties of gill nets and implications for yield and value of the fisheries at the Itaipu Reservoir, Brazil-Paraguay [PDF] / L. E. Miranda ; A. A. Agostinho ; L. C. Gomes
En: Fisheries Research / Elsevier Science Publishers. -- Vol. 45 (2000). -- Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, 2000

1. MODELOS; 2. RENDIMIENTO; 3. YIELD; 4. REDES DE ENMALLE; 5. GILLNETS; 6. RESERVOIRS; 7. EMBALSES I. Agostinho, Angelo Antonio II. Gomes, L. C.