Catálogo Bibliográfico
Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
Bechara, José Alfredo
  The impact of brook trout - Salvelinus fontinalis - on an experimental stream benthic community : the role of spatial and size refugia
  En: Journal of Animal Ecology. -- (1993). -- [s.l.] : , [s.f.]

  Bechara, J. A.-Départament de Biologie, Université Laval, Québec City, Québec, G1K 7P4, Canadá

  1. REFUGES; 2. BROOK TROUT I. Guy, Moreau II. Hare, Landis

  (61) Inv.: 01-R03006 S.T.: 16a [169] BEC ej.1
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01-R03006 16a [169] BEC ej.1

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E-Mail: contacto@bib.unne.edu.ar
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Formulario para Solicitud de Material

Bechara, José Alfredo
The impact of brook trout - Salvelinus fontinalis - on an experimental stream benthic community : the role of spatial and size refugia
En: Journal of Animal Ecology. -- (1993). -- [s.l.] : , [s.f.]

Bechara, J. A.-Départament de Biologie, Université Laval, Québec City, Québec, G1K 7P4, Canadá

1. REFUGES; 2. BROOK TROUT I. Guy, Moreau II. Hare, Landis

(61) Inv.: 01-R03006 S.T.: 16a [169] BEC ej.1