Catálogo Bibliográfico
Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
MacConnell, Elizabeth
  Cellular inflammatory response of Rainbow trout to the protozoan parasite that causes proliferative kidney disease
  En: Journal of Aquatic Animal Health. -- (1989). -- [s.l.] : , [s.f.]

  MacConnell, E.-U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fish Technology Center 4050 Bridger Canyon Road, Bozeman, Montana 59715,USA

  I. Smith, Charlie E. II. Hedrick, Ronald P. III. Speer, C. A.

Dirección: Av. Las Heras 727
Campus UNNE Resistencia, Chaco. CP 3500.
E-Mail: contacto@bib.unne.edu.ar
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MacConnell, Elizabeth
Cellular inflammatory response of Rainbow trout to the protozoan parasite that causes proliferative kidney disease
En: Journal of Aquatic Animal Health. -- (1989). -- [s.l.] : , [s.f.]

MacConnell, E.-U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fish Technology Center 4050 Bridger Canyon Road, Bozeman, Montana 59715,USA

I. Smith, Charlie E. II. Hedrick, Ronald P. III. Speer, C. A.