Catálogo Bibliográfico
Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
Batts, W.N.
  Enhanced detection of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus and other fish viruses by pretreatment of cell monolayers with polyethylene glycol
  En: Journal of Aquatic Animal Health. -- (1989). -- [s.l.] : , [s.f.]

  Batts, W.N.- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Fisheries Research Center Building 204, Naval Station, Seattle, Washington 98115, USA

  1. CELULAS; 2. CELLS I. Winton, J. R. II. Winton, J. R.

Dirección: Av. Las Heras 727
Campus UNNE Resistencia, Chaco. CP 3500.
E-Mail: contacto@bib.unne.edu.ar
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Batts, W.N.
Enhanced detection of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus and other fish viruses by pretreatment of cell monolayers with polyethylene glycol
En: Journal of Aquatic Animal Health. -- (1989). -- [s.l.] : , [s.f.]

Batts, W.N.- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Fisheries Research Center Building 204, Naval Station, Seattle, Washington 98115, USA

1. CELULAS; 2. CELLS I. Winton, J. R. II. Winton, J. R.