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Red de Bibliotecas
Crouch, Jo Anne
  Patterns of diversity in populations of the turfgrass pathogen Colletotrichum cereale as revealed by transposon fingerprint profiles / Jo Anne Crouch ; Bernadette M. Glasheen ; Wakar Uddin ... [et al.]
  En: Crop Science / Crop Science Society of America (CSSA). -- Vol. 48, no. 3 (may-jun, 2008). -- Madison : Editorial Board, 2008
  ISSN: 0011183X

  1. CESPED; 2. COLLETOTRICHUM; 3. HONGOS; 4. POA ANNUA; 5. ENFERMEDADES DE LAS PLANTAS; 6. CANCRO DEL TALLO; 7. CANCROSIS I. Glasheen, Bernadette M. II. Uddin, Wakar III. Clarke, Bruce B. IV. Hillman, Bradley I.

  (6) Inv.: 03-R11088 S.T.: Crop Science v48 no 3
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03-R11088 Crop Science v48 no 3

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Crouch, Jo Anne
Patterns of diversity in populations of the turfgrass pathogen Colletotrichum cereale as revealed by transposon fingerprint profiles / Jo Anne Crouch ; Bernadette M. Glasheen ; Wakar Uddin ... [et al.]
En: Crop Science / Crop Science Society of America (CSSA). -- Vol. 48, no. 3 (may-jun, 2008). -- Madison : Editorial Board, 2008
ISSN: 0011183X

1. CESPED; 2. COLLETOTRICHUM; 3. HONGOS; 4. POA ANNUA; 5. ENFERMEDADES DE LAS PLANTAS; 6. CANCRO DEL TALLO; 7. CANCROSIS I. Glasheen, Bernadette M. II. Uddin, Wakar III. Clarke, Bruce B. IV. Hillman, Bradley I.

(6) Inv.: 03-R11088 S.T.: Crop Science v48 no 3