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Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

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Magalhães Camargo, Thiago
  The neuromuscular activity of Micrurus pyrrhocryptus venom and its neutralization by commercial and specific coral snake antivenoms / Thiago Magalhães Camargo ...[et al.]
  En: Journal Venom Research / Published by Library Publishing Media. -- Vol. 2 (2011). -- [s.l.] : Published by Library Publishing Media, [s.f.]
  ISSN: 20440324

  1. TOXICOLOGIA; 2. MICRURUS PYRRHOCRYPTUS VENOM; 3. SERPIENTES; 4. CORALES; 5. VENENOS; 6. TOXINAS; 7. ANFIBIOS I. Roodt, Adolfo Rafael de II. Cruz-Höfling, Maria Alice da III. Rodrigues-Simioni, Léa

  (6) Inv.: 03-R15594 S.T.: S-615.9 CAM ej.1
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03-R15594 S-615.9 CAM ej.1

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Magalhães Camargo, Thiago
The neuromuscular activity of Micrurus pyrrhocryptus venom and its neutralization by commercial and specific coral snake antivenoms / Thiago Magalhães Camargo ...[et al.]
En: Journal Venom Research / Published by Library Publishing Media. -- Vol. 2 (2011). -- [s.l.] : Published by Library Publishing Media, [s.f.]
ISSN: 20440324

1. TOXICOLOGIA; 2. MICRURUS PYRRHOCRYPTUS VENOM; 3. SERPIENTES; 4. CORALES; 5. VENENOS; 6. TOXINAS; 7. ANFIBIOS I. Roodt, Adolfo Rafael de II. Cruz-Höfling, Maria Alice da III. Rodrigues-Simioni, Léa

(6) Inv.: 03-R15594 S.T.: S-615.9 CAM ej.1