Catálogo Bibliográfico
Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
Heuveline, P.
  Shifting childrearing to single mothers : Results from 17 western countries
  En: Population and Development Review. -- Vol. 29, no. 1 (mar., 2003). -- New York : The Population Council, 2003


  ISSN: 00987921

  1. MADRES SOLTERAS; 2. NIÑOS; 3. EDUCACION; 4. FAMILIA; 5. MATRIMONIO I. TIMBERLAKE, J. M. II. Fürstenberg, Friedrich (1930-...)

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Campus UNNE Resistencia, Chaco. CP 3500.
E-Mail: contacto@bib.unne.edu.ar
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Formulario para Solicitud de Material

Heuveline, P.
Shifting childrearing to single mothers : Results from 17 western countries
En: Population and Development Review. -- Vol. 29, no. 1 (mar., 2003). -- New York : The Population Council, 2003


ISSN: 00987921

1. MADRES SOLTERAS; 2. NIÑOS; 3. EDUCACION; 4. FAMILIA; 5. MATRIMONIO I. TIMBERLAKE, J. M. II. Fürstenberg, Friedrich (1930-...)