Catálogo Bibliográfico
Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
Janotka, Ivan
  Investigations on the relationship between phase composition and chloride corrosion of steel fiber reinforcement in cement mortar
  En: ACI Materials Journal. -- Vol. 90, no. 2 (mar-abr, 1993). -- Michigan : American Concrete Institute (ACI), 1993

  1. CORROSION; 2. FIBRAS DE ACERO; 3. MORTERO I. Krajci, Ludovít II. Komloš, Karol (1928-1997) III. Frt`alová, Marta D. IV. Halás, Peter

  (3) Inv.: 01-R00017 S.T.: A-02, no 2 ej.1
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01-R00017 A-02, no 2 ej.1

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Janotka, Ivan
Investigations on the relationship between phase composition and chloride corrosion of steel fiber reinforcement in cement mortar
En: ACI Materials Journal. -- Vol. 90, no. 2 (mar-abr, 1993). -- Michigan : American Concrete Institute (ACI), 1993

1. CORROSION; 2. FIBRAS DE ACERO; 3. MORTERO I. Krajci, Ludovít II. Komloš, Karol (1928-1997) III. Frt`alová, Marta D. IV. Halás, Peter

(3) Inv.: 01-R00017 S.T.: A-02, no 2 ej.1