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Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
F70 ej.1

Ransom, W. H.
  Buildings for the storage of crops in warm climates [FOLL]. -- London : Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1960. -- (Tropical Building Studies; 2)

  1. CONTROL DE LA HUMEDAD; 2. EDIFICIO; 3. CULTIVOS; 4. TEMPERATURA; 5. CLIMA; 6. DISEÑO DE EDIFICIOS; 7. MATERIALES DE CONSTRUCCION I. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Building Research Station

  (2) Inv.: 01-F00070 S.T.: F70 ej.1
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01-F00070 F70 ej.1

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Ransom, W. H.
Buildings for the storage of crops in warm climates [FOLL]. -- London : Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1960. -- (Tropical Building Studies; 2)

1. CONTROL DE LA HUMEDAD; 2. EDIFICIO; 3. CULTIVOS; 4. TEMPERATURA; 5. CLIMA; 6. DISEÑO DE EDIFICIOS; 7. MATERIALES DE CONSTRUCCION I. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Building Research Station

(2) Inv.: 01-F00070 S.T.: F70 ej.1