Catálogo Bibliográfico
Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
631.67 I71 ej.1

Shalhavet, J.
  Irrigation of field and orchard crops under semi-arid conditions [LIB]. -- Bet Dagan : International Irrigation Information Center (IIIC), 1976. -- (IIIC Publication / International Irrigation Information Center (IIIC); 1)
  ISBN: 9290190019

  1. IRRIGACION; 2. RIEGO; 3. CULTIVOS; 4. ZONAS SEMIARIDAS; 5. ISRAEL; 6. CLIMA; 7. SUELO I. Mantell, A. II. Bielorai, H. III. Shimshi, D.

  (16) Inv.: 25-004811 S.T.: 631.67 I71 ej.1
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25-004811 631.67 I71 ej.1

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Shalhavet, J.
Irrigation of field and orchard crops under semi-arid conditions [LIB]. -- Bet Dagan : International Irrigation Information Center (IIIC), 1976. -- (IIIC Publication / International Irrigation Information Center (IIIC); 1)
ISBN: 9290190019

1. IRRIGACION; 2. RIEGO; 3. CULTIVOS; 4. ZONAS SEMIARIDAS; 5. ISRAEL; 6. CLIMA; 7. SUELO I. Mantell, A. II. Bielorai, H. III. Shimshi, D.

(16) Inv.: 25-004811 S.T.: 631.67 I71 ej.1