Catálogo Bibliográfico
Red de Bibliotecas UNNE

Red de Bibliotecas
Mitchell, Denis
  The effect of stheel fibers and epoxy - coated reinforced on tension stiffening and cracking of reinforced concrete
  En: ACI Materials Journal. -- Vol. 93, no. 1 (ene-feb, 1996). -- Michigan : American Concrete Institute (ACI), 1996

  keywords / palabras clave : bond ( concrete to reinforcement ) ; coatings ; compressive strength ; cracking ( fracturing ) fiber reinforced concretes ; flexural strength ; high - strength concretes ; metal fibers ; stress - strain relationships ; splitting tensile strength

  1. HORMIGON DE ALTA RESISTENCIA; 2. REVESTIMIENTOS; 3. FIBRAS DE ACERO I. Hosseini Abrishami, Homayoun II. Mindess, Sidney

  (3) Inv.: 01-R00014 S.T.: A-02, no 1 ej.1
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01-R00014 A-02, no 1 ej.1

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Mitchell, Denis
The effect of stheel fibers and epoxy - coated reinforced on tension stiffening and cracking of reinforced concrete
En: ACI Materials Journal. -- Vol. 93, no. 1 (ene-feb, 1996). -- Michigan : American Concrete Institute (ACI), 1996

keywords / palabras clave : bond ( concrete to reinforcement ) ; coatings ; compressive strength ; cracking ( fracturing ) fiber reinforced concretes ; flexural strength ; high - strength concretes ; metal fibers ; stress - strain relationships ; splitting tensile strength

1. HORMIGON DE ALTA RESISTENCIA; 2. REVESTIMIENTOS; 3. FIBRAS DE ACERO I. Hosseini Abrishami, Homayoun II. Mindess, Sidney

(3) Inv.: 01-R00014 S.T.: A-02, no 1 ej.1